I Finally Started My FI Blog to Hold Myself Accountable

Have you ever felt like you kept wanting to do something but constantly made excuses?

“I really want to start hiking on the weekends, but by the time I clean the house I’m too exhausted”

“I want to make more home-cooked meals but when I get home I just don’t have the motivation!”

“I’m going to create my own blog about (insert subject here). But I don’t know how to get started.”

This used to be me for the last few years when it came to creating my own blog to help keep myself accountable on my journey towards financial independence. I had been reading blogs that I came to admire and felt like I had a unique perspective to share. Most of the FIRE or financial independence blogs that I read and podcasts that I listened to were from people who had already achieved their FIRE number.

They already had accrued enough savings and developed passive and active income streams that let them enjoy the freedom that they desired. I easily made mental excuses to myself of how there was no need for me to write about my journey towards financial independence.

Would anyone care about what I have to say?

It took me a few years to realize that I could write this blog for myself to stay strong during my journey of debt payoff, being frugal in one of the most expensive areas to live in the U.S. (San Francisco Bay Area), and wrapping my head around how I can retire much, much earlier than I had ever imagined.

So welcome to MyFIDiary where I will document my ups and downs, share my wins, adore my biggest FIRE heroes, and hold myself accountable until my planned retirement from full-time work at the ripe age of 45.

1 thought on “I Finally Started My FI Blog to Hold Myself Accountable

  1. I’m looking forward to seeing you succeed, sis! If anyone can retire early, it’s definitely you!

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